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  Region:USA* Type:GS,FG


Reward:C Referral:
Notes:*San Francisco, CA
Site Overview
What's Market Research all about? From browsers to baby diapers, from Internet Providers to spaghetti sauce, all businesses want to be able to offer products or services that people want to use. Also, to be competitive, they want to continue improving products after they've been put on the market. For new products and services, businesses need to know what consumers want. For existing products and/or services, businesses need to know what people think of products already available.

How Do Manufacturers know what you want? They ASK you! They commission market research at companies like Ecker & Associates, where surveys and focus groups ask the questions: "What would you like to see?" "What do you think of this plan?" "How can we improve what we've made?" and more...

I know what a survey is, but what's a Focus Group? Like a Survey, a Focus Group gathers information from consumers like you. The difference is the setting and method. The setting or environment is a conference room. The Focus Group Will have from six(6) to twelve(12) respondents in attendance plus a moderator. The moderator presents the idea, product or service. Then he or she will ask each respondent for their opinion. The Focus Group is recorded on audio tape and sometimes on video tape. The Moderator takes the tape(s) back to the Client, who studies the tape(s) in depth.

What's in it for me you? First, the opportunity to comment on the development of new products and services. Second, you get a chance to suggest improvements for those you already use. Third, you learn what other people think of the same products and services. Finally, you're always paid for sharing your opinions with us. When you participate in a focus group, you're paid $40-$100 (depending on the group).

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