The Business ePanel is a dynamic, online panel consisting of thousands of business professionals interested in contributing their opinions and insight about a variety of issues. The panel is comprised of a diverse group of people who represent a wide range of company sizes, industries, and areas of expertise. The diversity of the panel allows us to gather information on a variety of topics from many different perspectives.
A key component of's market intelligence is end-user data. Each year, we interview thousands of business end users of technology and other products. In the past, the main way to gather this information was structured telephone interviews. However, we understand that times are changing and busy professionals like you are often unable or unwilling to participate in telephone surveys. Therefore, to make participating in research more convenient and less intrusive, we conduct Internet-based surveys. These surveys are typically shorter than telephone surveys, and you have the option of taking them when it is convenient for you. In addition, by completing our registration survey, you are providing information that will enable you to participate in surveys targeted to your interests.
As a member of the Business ePanel, any information you provide will be kept completely confidential. We will not, under any circumstances, sell or rent your personal information to anyone else. Nor will your survey responses be identified with you. All data we collect is reported only in aggregate. |